Gift voucher in PDF
Looking for a simple PDF gift voucher? At we offer several free gift vouchers in Word. Once you download them to your computer, you can save them to PDF. Below we have prepared a simple how-to guide. And why didn’t we do it for you? You can’t normally change the text in a PDF document, so if you download a PDF gift certificate template, the text you’ll probably be adapting to the gift recipient will be difficult to change.
The other way to download a PDF gift voucher is to use our graphic editor 1.0, where you can design your own layout or choose from many pre-made designs. The advantage in this case is that you have many font styles, clipart, icons or other graphics available in the editor completely free of charge. If you were to order your gift certificate this way, you would receive an email with a link to download not only your design in PNG, but also just in PDF.
How to save a gift voucher in Word to PDF?
If you have decided that you want to download the gift voucher in Word and then save it to PDF, the procedure is as follows.
- Choose a free gift voucher in Word or order a voucher pack in Word.
- Once downloaded to your computer, open the Word file.
- Customize the look of the gift voucher to your liking.
- Click on “File” (1) in the top left and then “Save As” (2). Click on “Browse” (3) and select the folder where you want to save the future PDF file.
- Now select where to save the file (1) or what to name the file (2). The most important thing now is to choose the file type, i.e. we need to select “PDF format” (3). Once we are done, we just need to save (4).